ichi - 一
眠りから覚めたら まだつめたい光がそこにある
それはうすい透明で 夜の粒のように肌に触れる
朝、星をみる それは夜の光 いつしかの記憶
真っ暗な闇の中で ぼやけた白い光をみる とおくには朝の光
森の中で 遠い世界を 明るい光でつくられた世界を想像する こわれそうなまるい世界を
朝と夜 それは2つの世界 それはひとつの白

W250 × H16 cm / ラミー糸 , 絹糸 / 二重織 , 捩り織 , 絣 / 2019

Look at the stars in the morning. It's night light.
I see a white light in the darkness. Especially the morning light.
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This work combines the technique of twisted weaving, in which the warp is intertwined with the weft, and the technique of double weaving, in which two pieces of cloth are woven at the same time.
Twisted weaving inevitably leaves gaps between the weft threads, resulting in a permeable fabric, and by switching to double weave, the two fabrics switch from front to back, making them continuous.
This work was the first to consider the space between cloth.
W250 × H16 cm / ramie , silk / double weave , kasuri / 2019
photo by : Hiromi Asai